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Aries Man and Gemini Woman Love Compatibility

Aries Man and Gemini Woman Love Compatibility

Aries man is a perfect match for a Gemini woman. They share the similar approach towards life which helps them explore new opportunities and add more fun to their life. They complement each other like an ideal couple.

How Compatible are Aries Man and Gemini Woman?

Aries man and Gemini woman are true soul mates. They both love challenges, adventures and traveling. Boredom and monotony are no words in their dictionary as the couple believes in adding thrill to their life and keep it busy by staying involved in some or the other activity. Though like any other couple, even they get caught in heated arguments with each other but no argument has the potential to disturb the equilibrium of their relation.

Aries man and Gemini woman are partners in real sense who can talk for hours, engage in adventurous experiences and add love, laugh and fun to their life. He will always love you in every avatar and will always be there as your biggest strength and support. She will find your source of passion and energy in your man. At times, she may get uncomfortable with the constant demand of love from her man but she also has the talent of converting this monotony into something creative and interesting.

Sexual Compatibility Between Aries Man and Gemini Woman

Aries man and Gemini woman share a great physical chemistry. He has the potential to ignite her with passion. He loves to experience how she reciprocates his passionate lovemaking with her experimental nature. Aries man has simple sexual needs. He wants her to be a sensual and intimate partner but he also enjoys her innovative nature. She may at times upset her man by not responding to his gestures as she may get lost in her fantasy land leaving her man behind. Aries man wants to be the focus of his woman and this may really irritate and annoy him.

Marriage Between Aries Man and Gemini Woman

Aries man and Gemini woman fall in love too quickly and once they are in love then hey don’t take too long to exchange vows. Their marital life is full of love and attraction for each other. She lives in the world of her dreams and her man does everything to transform her imagination into reality. Her imagination keeps adding new shades to their marital life thereby making it more interesting and colorful. She makes this marriage more interesting by being with her man, leaving all past memories behind and falling in love with him. He must remember to praise her lady and her achievements because she wants her man to notice it. There is a perfect harmony and equilibrium in this relation which brings out their love and affection beautifully making them a perfect married couple.

Positive Traits of Gemini Woman

Gemini woman is known for intelligence and smartness. She has a diverse knowledge base which makes her a terrific conversationalist. She also knows different languages. She loves to add variety to her life; be it in form of traveling and exploring new places or learning new art forms as consistency bores her. She is versatile and spontaneous. Her high energy levels and wonderful sense of humor make her really attractive. She loves to accept challenges that life brings on to her.

How to Impress a Gemini Woman

For impressing a Gemini woman, you need to prove your intelligence and smartness. You just can’t impress her by paying flattering compliments and gifting her box of chocolates. Win her with your knowledge and make her laugh with your jokes. Remember, like every other woman she also enjoys flirting but keep it classy and interesting as regular styles don’t impress her. Indulge in interesting conversations with her so that you can also flaunt your knowledge and grab more chances to win her. Though she may look ignorant but she is noticing everything.

Recommendations for Aries for Better Compatibility

Read through these important suggestions which can make your relationship with a Gemini woman stronger and happier:

  • She is a born dreamer. Don’t lose your temper when you find her lost in her dreams as she doesn’t mean to ignore you.
  • Compliment her only when you mean every word you say. Don’t try to win her heart by fake compliments.

Free yearly Aries Horoscope 2014 Overview from Ask My Oracle: Read Here

Read Gemini Horoscope for complete 2014 yearly overview from Ask My Oracle.


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  • Ladylovey
    June 22, 2015, 4:07 am

    My best friend is a Gemini and her boyfriend/future husband is an Aries and they are a complete mess. They have the worst arguments and niether hardly ever upset after 3 seconds. She will send him about 200 text and he will actually respond to each one of them. She is bipolar, he thinks she makes sense. They are the funniest couple I have ever seen in my life, I feel for their kids when they have them. They are both in a little bubble together and make no sense to anyone else. They are extremely entertaining, that’s why I had to look this up, I was thinking they were both just crazy. But this explains it all. If they were on a reality show, trust me they would be the most watched. He Tries his best to make her jealous, and she doesn’t even care, says, she can’t be mad at other woman for liking him too, he’s likable. That just pissed him off even more… He thinks she doesn’t care about him, but she’s actually crazy about him. When he misses a call or takes too long to respond to a text, she changed her number, moves, deleted emails and etc. then he goes on this wild goose chase looking for her, sometimes it will take him years to find her. I’ve been watching them since the 10th grade, they are almost 30 and still never a dull moment.