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  • I was wondering if you could help me out with a situation i have with a sag. Im a leo and i love her more than anything and im trying to get her back. Will you please speak to me of this matter?

  • I am Libra male born on 20 oct 1981, as i have read this year updates about my career and relation status which brought some smile on my face as i had very tough time in last year 2014 career and relation wise. therefore i would like to know how do i will know that the relationship or the girl which i will be , is she the right one for me . As i am very sensitive when it comes to be in relation. As sometimes the religion also counts alot and i do not want to end up again in situation where i get dishearted again when it come to be in a relation. so let me know what would be the right way of start .


  • I've been having problems in my marriage I want to know if I will go through a divorce or not my name is Amir Ahmed born September 27 1984 New Delhi India time 6:45pm thank you.

  • Hi There is an age gap of 30 years she is 40 and is aqurious and I'm 70 male Libra ....we do and chat for hours its so natural but will it last ?

  • You have a wonderful website but I noticed there is no tab at the top for Aquarius and Pisces which makes it harder to find information on these two signs. Please include Aquarius and Pisces at the top.

    Great website!

  • Hi. I'm an Aquarius. 16, and female. I have 3 beauty marks in a triangle on my cheek. (I have many many more but this is the most interesting one. Maybe later you can decrypt my others) what does this mean? What is it called?