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Capricorn Monthly Horoscope December 2016

Capricorn 2016 horoscope for December predicts that you are going to focus more on issues related with your professional life. Family and emotional matters will take a backseat during this month. You are going to work independently but don’t take feelings of others lightly. You have to be smart while playing your game. Capricorn horoscope 2016 predictions suggest that you will be inclined towards spirituality this month. You are expected to attend lots of spiritual gatherings and meeting of religious [...]

Cancer December 2016 Horoscope

As per Cancer horoscope 2016 predictions, the concentration of planets in December will be in your domestic life. You will give more importance to your family over your career. You will also be active and busy on the social front as social relationships and skills will play an important role in career development which is directly and indirectly related with happiness of your family members. Cancer 2016 horoscope suggests that you must learn to gel well with your team at [...]

Scorpio November 2016 Monthly Horoscope

Scorpio 2016 horoscope predictions for November suggest that this month will be a time to spend with your family and work on your emotional wellbeing. Personal targets will be very important for this month. House of Career seems week this month and this time can be utilized for career planning and future development. You are confident and energetic this month. Good time to chase your goals with high energies and assertiveness. Scorpio horoscope 2016 forecasts that you will be rising [...]

November 2016 Capricorn Monthly Horoscope

Capricorn 2016 horoscope predicts that November 2016 will be dedicated to your career and professional goals. You will not be able to give your family or emotional matters much attention. In order to enjoy growth in your career, becoming member of a professional or social group can be very favorable. With good social connections, you can enjoy success on professional front. You will be highly confident this month and will be in position to take independent decisions. This is the [...]

Aries November Horoscope 2016

As per Aries horoscope 2016 predictions, the month of November will be a month for your career. The House of Career is strong in this month because of which your professional life will be your first priority but you will also need to give necessary attention to your domestic issues as and when needed. Aries 2016 horoscope for this month predicts that you are required to work with flexibility in order to get your tasks accomplished. You will give more [...]

Sagittarius October 2016 Monthly Horoscope

Sagittarius 2016 horoscope forecasts that October 2016 will be a time when people born under this zodiac will focus on their career and professional life. You will only give attention to your family issues whenever there is a matter that demands your time. Sagittarius horoscope 2016 predictions foretell that you will more importance to your personal aims and desires over that of others. This is the influence of planets that you will work with independence and aggression to reach out [...]

September 2016 Scorpio Monthly Horoscope

Scorpio 2016 horoscope predicts that the month of September for people born under this zodiac sign will be focusing on their domestic life as there are lots of activities happening on that end. You will be occupied with renovation of your house. You are also expected to have disputes with your parents. Your children will undergo transformation which will be a big change in their life and will also impact your life.  As per Scorpio horoscope 2016 predictions, this will [...]

Cancer September 2016 Horoscope

Monthly horoscope 2016 for Cancer zodiac sign for September forecasts a month focused on family problems and domestic issues. For a time being, you will keep your professional life on second priority as activities on personal front will keep you occupied. To make things happen, you have to strike a balance between being independent and being dependent on others as per September 2016 Cancer zodiac horoscope. You cannot do everything on your own and therefore you must decide what you [...]

Leo July Monthly Astrology Horoscope 2016

The Leo monthly July 2016 horoscope predicts that all the Lions are going to be giving more time and attention to their personal and family matters over their professional issues. This is the month when you are going to be independent and live like a free soul. You will define your own goals and live your life at your own terms and conditions. You would enjoy your life to the fullest. You will be passionate about how you wish to [...]

Aries July Monthly Horoscope 2016

The Aries July 2016 forecast predicts that people born under this sun sign are going to be focusing on their personal and family issues. Due to the planetary influence, issues related with career are going to be second priority. You will be facing conflicts between your family and your career because of changes in equations of planets and by the mid of the month things will start to settle down. You must use your mental strength in order to decide [...]