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Virgo Man and Cancer Woman Love Compatibility

Virgo Man and Cancer Woman Love Compatibility

Love match of a Cancer female and Virgo male is a blessed association. The frequency of both the partners matches so well that they are able to understand and respect each other’s needs and lead a smooth life without much hassles.

How Compatible are Virgo Man and Cancer Woman?

The association of a Virgo male and Cancer female is based on care and affection. Their compatibility emerges from their emotions and feelings for one another. They are truly an ideal match. Both the partners long for a secure and promising relationship which they are able to find in each other’s arms.

Cancer lady is a charismatic individual who proves to be a loyal companion to a Virgo man. She is always there to understand him and support his dreams. She adds new colors to his life with her love which stimulates him to imagine more creatively. When she is not around, he feels uncomfortable and lonely. He also does everything to keep her smile in place. He takes complete care of his lady who brings stability to his life. They both are a wonderful couple and are able to enjoy a close association.

Marriage Between Virgo Man and Cancer Woman

When marriage happens between a Virgo male and Cancer female, the duo starts their relationship with acceptance and respect. He understands his woman and makes sure that he never neglects her or makes her feel alone. He is always there to add more life and new colors to their marriage. His practical approach focuses on keeping her safe and making her feel comfortable in every phase of life. He turns out to be her strongest support in the tough times. He makes her laugh with his jokes and keeps her happy with a stable and promising relationship. He finds his best pal in his wife who understands his dreams and stands like a strong pillar in his support. She respects and adores every quality of her man. She makes his life more entertaining and interesting with her creativity and liveliness. Together, the couple enjoys a lovely life loaded with care and affection. Flame of love of her Virgo man keeps her warm and assures her a long-lasting marriage. They are a very unique couple who finds it tough to stay with each other but they also can not live without each other. They are able to complete each other in every aspect of life and stay closely bonded to enjoy the good times and conquer the bad ones.

Sexual Compatibility Between Virgo Man and Cancer Woman

Sexual compatibility of a Cancer female and Virgo male is a perfect combination of physical intimacy and emotional stability which helps them achieve unison. The couple gets completely soaked in each other’s soul and body. When they come close to each other, their physical equations create a wonderful spark between them which leads to complete satisfaction for both the mates. They enjoy a more intense and sensual relationship as their relationship matures with time and they are able to experience more stability in their bond. He may experience too much of restless which may turn out to be a complete turn-off for his lady love. But once he decides to surrender his body and soul to his love, he transforms into a more comfortable individual. There may be instances when the couple may face some kind of sexual discord and frustration in their association. To resolve this, they must open up and communicate about the problem so that they are able to deal with it in a better manner.

Positive Traits of Cancer Woman

Cancer female is very emotional and gets easily attached with the people she loves. This makes her a loyal wife and a promising girl friend who showers her unconditional love and support to her mate. She is truly very loving and caring. She is also very protective and particular about her people and her belongings. She is born with a vivid imagination. She may not think on the same lines as she has the power to think differently.

How to Impress a Cancer Woman

Cancer woman is very sensitive and emotional. To win her heart, you need to be very polite in your behavior. You must respect her. She will not open up with you that easily and fast, so don’t lose your patience. Be slow with her. Allow her to trust you and have confidence in you. When you meet her the first time, create a remarkable impression on her with your dressing, style and manners and you will surely earn some extra points.

Recommendations for Virgo for Better Compatibility

A Virgo man must incorporate these suggestions in his life to spend happy times with his Cancer girl:

  • Don’t get too restless when you are with your lady love in bed as she may not always respond to it. She may just behave very cold which may cause discord in your sex life.
  • She feels insecure when you crave for your personal space. It is your duty to soothe her fears and insecurities.

Free yearly Virgo Horoscope 2014 Overview from Ask My Oracle: Read Here

Read Cancer Horoscope for complete 2014 yearly overview from Ask My Oracle.


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  • lynn Walton moore
    January 1, 2015, 2:25 pm

    My partner Virgo and I Cancer are in early stage of our relationship and feel totally in love with each other ,

  • Max Gregory
    March 28, 2017, 8:27 am

    i was with my Cancer woman in 07 but broke up cause of a misunderstanding but we have been dating for more than a month and a half. the whole article of cancers and virgos is so close its kind of scary but i love her with all my heart and soul… Fell in love with her in 07 and i am glad she is back in my life