Gemini Date Range: 20 May – 20 June
Being expressive and quick-witted in nature, the people born in the Sun Sign of Gemini tends to have a double personality. By this, it means that they might turn out to be extremely good at one front; while, on the other side, they may become short tempered as per situations. Though, they are quite a sociable people and have communicative nature; the restlessness character of Gemini can turn out to be quite irritating at times. One thing to be noted about them is that they take a lot of stress at times and turn out to be excessively thoughtful.
Taking note of Gemini health 2018 predictions, health would remain in an unstable stage throughout the year. The starting phase of the year would see Gemini experiencing insomnia and instability. The impatient nature of the Gemini might lead to anxiety, creating health issues. There is also a possibility that one may experience problems related to gastric tract, skin, or neurological problems. Gemini Health Predictions also state that pain in legs and knee related complications might trouble people from 3rd March to 9th May. And not to forget that one should remain careful about their stomach after 11th October. It is suggested to eat healthy and have balanced diet.
What are Gemini Eating Habits?
Taking note of the Gemini eating habits, these people always pay attention to the food items that keep their lungs and nervous systems healthy. Tomatoes, green beans, cauliflower, spinach, oranges, plums, apricot, carrots, coconut and wheat gram are the food items that considered good for them. It is recommended that Gemini born people should avoid taking caffeine in any case and stay away from carbonated drinks too.
Gemini Health Problems
Being over excited and serious people, Gemini tends to face the problem with nervous system. This may include headaches, stress, insomnia and mental disorder at later stage. Along with this, they tend to have stomach issues because of general digestions issues. Since, they are hardworking natured, it is important for them to take rest occasionally; otherwise body ache can engulf them easily.
Gemini Weight Loss
Though Gemini is impatient in nature; t becomes tough for them to wait for losing weight much. But, it is the sheer hardwork at gym that will give them the desired body shape and not taking any kind of shortcuts. They should go for an easy computer program designed to track things such as exercise time, calorie intake, and weight loss. Indeed, the Gemini people should stick to balanced diet and avoid eating fast food at all.
Gemini Favorite Food
Certainly, Gemini has a great fetish for green leafy vegetable that include spinach and cauliflower. On the nuts and fruit side, these people love eating Almonds as well as Coconut for sure.
Gemini Exercise Workout Regime
Of course, Gemini hates to go to gym and wait for long to reduce their weight. Their impatient nature keeps them on their toes for everything. This makes it necessary for them to organize home gum sessions as per their own schedule. It would be a lot easier for them to exercise at home as per their own preferred time slot.
Why is Gemini so Hated?
Gemini people are hated because of their two-faced nature. There is a common notion that such people can be good at times and bad at other. In fact, it is possible that you will find a Gemini behaving nicely in front of a person and backbiting in his absence.
Why Gemini is so Hard to Read?
Gemini is difficult to read or understand because they have a mindset that might not match others. They expect people to behave in a certain manner that might be opposite to the nature of others, which creates clashes.
Why Gemini is so Smart?
Well, the Gemini is smart because they have a higher cognitive thinking power that might not be same as others. They are thoughtful and serious people, who have intellectual bent of mind towards analyzing things quickly.
How to Help a Depressed Gemini?
When it comes to the matter of helping a depressed Gemini, it is important to think the way they want you to think or behave. Rejection is one thing that gets Gemini depressed. So, it is important to understand their concerns about life and respect them.
Depressed Gemini Female
Though being a jovial natured star sign, Gemini tends to get depressed when things do not go their way. A depressed Gemini female would try to get out of the situation on her own and does not take help. It is because, Gemini think that they have more knowledge about things as compared to others.
Gemini Man Depression
Rejection is one such thing that cannot be accepted by Gemini Men in common. And this gets them highly depressed at times because people do not understand their actual concerns. Moreover, male ego comes in the way of taking rejections normally by Gemini men.
Gemini Magical Powers
Being analytical in nature, the Gemini has an excellent intellectual bent of mind. They weigh the pros and cons of things effectively before reaching a conclusion. Along with this, they are divine tricksters that enable them to make people happy even in a sad situation.
Is Gemini Bipolar?
Yes, Gemini is bipolar because they have double personality traits in their nature. They can be good at one time and bad at other.
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